Photo-exhibition of Alexey Kochemasov
“It is very difficult to make beautiful photos in the sky, when the wind is strong and the light is bright, but if they are made, they cannot be compared with anything in their beauty!”
A photo-exhibition of Alexey Kochemasov “My sky” will be held from the 8th till the 17th of February, in the TFT aero center on Kutuzovsky prospect. The organizator of the exhibition, known on-line as letchikleha, is not only one of the best Russian pilots, but also a famous blogger, whose posts are read by millions of people every day.
Unique in their beauty, the photos made from on high will be presented in the showroom. Moreover, all the visitors of the exhibition will be pleasantly surprised. A unique chance will be given to each of them – which is to see the world through the eyes of a pilot. This year, tribute to out numerous friends and the main partner JSC “Technofinance trade”, a 3D film, made with the help of advanced technology, is going to be demonstrated. You will manage to feel a pilot of a battle plane, performing a dead loop at a height of 10 000 meters, as well as a freefalling parachutist!
In previous 2 years more than 10 000 people visited the exhibition of Alexey Kochemasov. The stories appeared one by one on federal channels: “Russia-1”, “NTV”, “REN-TV”, “Mir”, “Zvezda”, and famous bloggers – Sergey Dolya, Rustem Adagamov, Pavel Kosenko, Sergey Muhamedov and Artemy Lebedev – helped to spread the information on the internet.
The timeline – 8-17 of February, 2013.
Working hours – every day from 10:00 to 20:00 (weekdays), from 10:00 to 18:00 (weekend).
The address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 12
Free entrance for all visitors!
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