Fascinating journey

This year in May we received a very unusual letter. Letters, to be correct…
The letters were written by the second-year pupils of one of Smolensk schools: the children decided to participate in the competition “On the Wings of RUSS”. We so much enjoyed reading their sincere letters! So, we decided to meet future pilots by all means. We invited the children to our place – Vyazemsky Educational Aviation Centre.
The fascinating journey took place on one of the warm September days. The pilots of RUSS aerobatic team welcomed the long-awaited quests and made several aerobatics in the sky. But the kids could see not only the aerobatic show but the ground training as well. And we are sure you would agree that such a performance always attracts strong interest even of adults, let alone kids. Where else can you sit in a cabin of a real jet plane and learn catapulting! We bet that after such an eventful Saturday some of these children are sure to devote their lives to aviation!
If you want to show your children something really amazing and exciting, you are welcome to Vyazemsky Aviation Training Centre.
For organization of group visits contact Elizaveta: +7 926 078 53 54 (asta.harms@gmail.com)