Parma wings 2013

It’s already the fifth time that an avia-show “Parma wings”, greatly loved by the viewers, has taken place in Perm, on the 29-30th of July.
One could enjoy the show either on Saturday, at the aviabase “Sokol” or on Sunday at the airdrome “Frolovo”. It was the only common thing in the programme of the two-day’s festival.
The programme was highly rich. Beside the performance of aerobatic team “RUSS” one could watch the exposition of famous planes and helicopters, such as MiG-31, Tu-134, An-24, Yak-40, Mi-2 and Mi-8, nearby on Saturday. After the flying programme our L-s were shown to the viewers. One can only imagine the children’s delight, when they were able to see, touch and even sit on the wings of our planes!
On Sunday the championship on light aviation took place in Frolovo. Altogether four classes were performed: single- and two-seated deltaplanes, planes and a class of Autogiros, for the first time in Russia. A gala-concert of the festival of avia patriotic song “Krylia Rossii (The wings of Russia)” adjourned the celebration.
Beside the two-day’s show-programme, a contest “Little Parma wings” was organized for the small sky-lovers.
One cannot but mention that this time “Parma wings” are included into the programme of patriotic education. Both young and old could get acquainted with a heroic profession of a pilot during the festival. This opportunity is extremely significant for the nowadays children, as in times of bankers and businessmen very few children, when asked “What do you want to be?” answer “A pilot” or “A cosmonaut”, an honored guest of “Parma wings 2013”, a test-pilot Anatoly Kvochur said.
We express a great gratitude to the organizers of the festival. The development of avia-shows in modern Russia is n important and necessary business. There were many children on “Parma wings”, and their admiration and smiles give us hope, that some day one of them will without any doubt become a pilot!
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