Moscow is behind us

«Moscow is behind us»
Aerobatic team “Russ” took part in the military-historical festival “Moscowis behind us1941”on the 14th of October.
The military-historical festival “Moscowis behind us” is held annually on the second Sunday of October to commemorate the defenders of the Field of Borodino during the Great Patriotic War.
It is a patriotic holiday, which cultivates the feeling of pride for their ancestors’ deed and the involvement into the great events in the history of the native country in the rising generation.
The festival consists of two parts: a grand ceremony in memory of the defenders of the Field of Borodino and military-historical reconstruction involving military-historical clubs. The festival begins with a grand ceremony at the tank-memorial T-34.
The reconstruction of some episodes of fierce battles on the Field of Borodino is a culmination of the festival. Ordnance, armor, pyrotechnical effects add a special dynamism and reality to the reconstruction.
The venue of the festival is the State military-historical culture preserve of Borodino.
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