"Stalin Line", 15 years Wargaming.net

In the beginning of August aerobatic team ‘Russ’ participated in celebration of 15 -years anniversary of a company Wargaming.net - a Belarusian developer of one of the most popular online games ‘World of Tanks’.
The celebration took place at Stalin Line (historical and cultural complex in the Minsk region, Belarus, reconstituted on the basis of the Minsk restored fortifications of the fortified area of Minsk, so-called "Stalin Line").
We became participants of celebration not occasionally. On the 26 of September a company ‘Wargaming’ is launching a new project World of Warplanes which promises to be a bestseller among flight simulation games. The game will be dedicated to air battles of ‘steel birds’ of the 30-50 s of the last century – the heyday of military aviation. Aerobatic performance we showed on the 2nd of August on Stalin Line is a clear demonstration of air combat. Every element of the performance is not only the spectacular ‘pa’ of air dance, but also a perfect technique of attacking of the enemy which not only once helped us to achieve superiority in the air.
Trailer for the game World of Warplanes: