80th anniversary of Minsk flying club

On the 21st of June, on airfield “Borovaya” near the city of Minsk, an aviation and sports holiday was conducted, dedicated to 80th birthday of foundation of Minsk flying club of Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Air Force and Navy and 70 years from liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupation.
The audience, who came to the air show from all over the country, saw display flying of helicopters, gliders and models. Parachute jumpers demonstrated their craftsmanship, making jump from a helicopter Mi-8 with Belarusnational flag. Double pilotage was demonstrated by helicopters Mi-2. The highlight of the holiday was a performance of aerobatic team RUSS:
“Performances of these guys receive enthusiastic responses for a reason. The pilots can do with their L-39s everything, what is possible due to the machinery. And even a bit more...” Portal Extremal.by
On the territory of the flying club, the largest aviation equipment museum is situated; the guests of the show also became familiar with it.
We congratulate all the members of the Minsk flying club! We wish you soft landings and flying weather!
And we also are very grateful to you, dear audience, for hearty welcome, smiles and applause! See you!
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